Meet the newest Echoid: Welcome Julia Rachel Cumming!
Julia Rachel Cumming was born on January 16, 1996, at 2:05 PM, at
Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City. She weighed 6 pounds 5 1/2 ounces
that day, and she was 19 1/2 inches tall.
The picture you see was taken when she was only a week old or so. She's bigger
than that now. She's healthy and beautiful and wonderful. She likes to smile, wave
her arms, and drool. She's precious.
Julia's proud parents are Alec Cumming and Cynthia Harden, who are
collectively known as a band named Bite the Wax Godhead. We both love to
create and make music together. Julia is our proudest and sweetest collaboration yet.
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