Mike's Professional History
After getting a BA in Philosophy and Economics at Columbia, I remained in New York, working for 3 years as an actuarial analyst (ISO, Tokio Fire and Marine), and 3 more in finance in the Asset-backed securitization area (Trepp & Co.).
During this time I got my first taste of technical entrepreneurship with Eyebeam Simulations, a virtual reality entertainment start-up. While we certainly saw the future of digital media arts, our vision and product were constrained by the early state of the technology, and we failed to secure first-round financing.
Enthused with the prospects of the emerging information revolution, I sought to get closer to the technologies involved via graduate work in engineering. In Northwestern University's Industrial Engineering and Management Science department required courses included linear and non-linear optimization, stochastic processes, and dynamic programming. I took electives in Simulation Analysis, Neural Networks and Feedback Systems (both in the EE department), Human Computer Interface Design and Analysis (at the Institute for Learning Sciences), and Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation (at Kellogg).
My wife and I decided to relocate to the Bay Area. I first continued towards a Ph.D. in Berkeley's Industrial Engineering & Operations Research department. I found I enjoyed the organizational theory research I was doing with Glenn Carroll more than my IEOR coursework, and, realizing that my interests lay on the commercialization side of technology, I transferred into Haas for my MBA. In addition to the set of core classes (Finance, Financial Acct., Managerial Acct., Organizational Behavior, Marketing) I have taken a wide variety of electives, including Product Management, Negotiations, and Financial Statements Analysis.
This summer I managed an intranet web-site development project for Barclays Capital in London. The site serves Barclays' sales force and account managers as an immediate information source on the emerging markets in which Barclays operates. It includes summary historical, economic, and political intelligence and Barclays' foreign exchange capabilities country-by-country. We went from project inception to a ready-to-deploy version (initially populated with 60 countries) in 10 weeks, creating an extendible, flexible tool with a GUI page development and maintenance environment built in.
What I'm looking for now
I am currently considering positions that will make full
use of my abilities, challenge me, and allow me to grow professionally.
I have been considering opportunities in the technology sector, with significant
long-term career goals in mind. Particular areas of interest to me are
ubiquitous computing ("internet appliances," the wired home, wireless applications,
and web-based applications), broadband-enabled content and application
development, and applications involving intelligent systems. I hope to
someday lead a company at the highest levels.