Links To The QueerWeb

Lambda Picks

Here are some of the our favorite locations on the net:

Rex Wockner tracks international queer news. He's a Chicago-based fag, and he's got stuff on Greece, Lithuainia, Romania, UK, etc. Great information that usually doesn't make it into the pages of our slicker-than-thou homo rags. The address is: is a local dyke page ththat's worth a look-see. As usual, the dykes seem to be scarcer than a straight girl at Michigan.

Queer Nation apparently has a node on library node (or something like that) on the Internet. Telnet to and login as lawlib.

One of the most amazing info resources is the AEGIS network. The best node is run by a convent and one Sister Mary Elizabeth (I kid you not) out of San Juan Capistrano--you'll find the Daily AIDS Summary here. BBS Primary: 714.248.2836

Now, use these links to feel the global queerluv, babee!

  • Grassroot Queers
    Yahoo Sections:
    Society and Culture:Sex:Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Resources
    Society and Culture:Sex:Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Resources:Groups
    Society and Culture:Sex:Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Resources:Indices
    Society and Culture:Sex:Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Resources:Usenet

    Sexuality and Safer Sex

    AIDS and HIV

  • Home Pages of Out People
    New York,USA
    Caleb Crain, New York, New York (
    Chris Cheung, Buffalo, New York (
    HREF=""Kevin J. Bennett, Saratoga, New York (
    Gordon Lloyd Goldberg, New York City, New York (
    Mark Handel, Ithaca, New York (
    Ali Lemer, New York City, New York (
    Racheline Maltese, New York, New York (
    Dave Martin-Bell, New York City, New York (
    Kenji Matsuoka, Stony Brook, New York (
    Wayne Myslik, Syracuse, New York (
    Ali Woodworth, Portville and Troy, New York (
    Andrew Zolli, Poughkeepsie, New York (
    Queer Resources Directory