"PEZ" (© 2001 Joe Rosen & Rachel Fishman)

There would be an applet here if your browser supported Java.

"PEZ" is an interactive portrait of Rachel Fishman, a.k.a Pez. Rachel appears on-screen in a hand-drawn and life-like "squiggle effect" animation and is depicted wearing bicycle gear.

After images download (approximately 155K) hold the mouse button down inside the portrait. Pressing and holding the mouse atop the left side of the portrait causes Rachel to raise her arm and release Pez candy from her left hand. Pressing atop the right side of the portrait releases Pez candy from Rachel's right hand. Press and hold in the middle of the portrait and Pez candies fly from both of Rachel's hands.

Special Note:
Ms. Fishman provided the following drawing (FAX-ed to me in late June of 2001, while we were working on this project) depicting her bicycle shorts as they're actually tailored:

[source code (Java)] [Electromics <tm>]