Just check the little boxes in the corresponding spots in the Matrix!
then fill out all the constants, whack "Synthesize" and away you go!!
This was a lot more torturous to browsers back in 1995/6 when I first wrote this!
How to do it:
Each spot in the matric connects and input to an output. Inputs are
listed on the left and outputs are listed on the top.
the abbreviations are:
for oscillators (O):
F: Frequency, A: Amplitude, D: Duty Cycle
Oscillators can have their waves set to Sine,Square, Triangle, Up Sawtooth, and Down Sawtooth
Oscillators can also interpret their frequency parameter as Hertz or logorithmically with "1 volt per octave", with 3 as 440 hz.
for the Gates (G):
S: Source, E: Envelope (remember, gates simply multiply the two signals)