Nik Williams



Arleen + Nik
picture c/o Arleen Schloss

My cyberart partner Nik Williams killed himself on Nov 12, 1999 in his apartment on Second Avenue. His body was discovered on the 17th.

  I like to think that Nik had spent a lot of his life staring into what
I've been describing to myself as "a harsh mirror," meaning he was very
conscious of his faults and abilities and consciously and actively engaged
both of those traits in a brave and creative way and ultimately, as it will
be for all of us, lost the war,  but not before winning many battles.
  So we have another one on the other side fighting for us.

   - Steve Speer

Nik was so active, I'm asking for your help in compiling a big list of projects and memories about him. You can email stuff to me or:
Add to or look at stuff on the Nik Memorial Mesage Board.


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Henry Lowengard, / 110 Fair St. / Kingston NY 12401-4802

© 2000 Henry Lowengard