It had to happen: UWWWUSSSSSSSSS+z------------------------------------------------------- WWSSSSSSSSSSSSSW:------------------------------------------------------ UUSSSSSSSSSSSSS;W-------------------------------- -------- SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS+z----------------------------- " Oh - SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS----------zz----------------- It had to happen SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSW-----zWWWzWWWWz------------- one day! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWW+z-WWWWWWUWUUUW:----------- SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWWWWWWWWWWWWWUWWWWW;-------- I read so much SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSUUW ,WW ,UW:WWWzz------- that I have become SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, WS Uz ,UzS;WS------- turned into text!" SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSW U;S ,- UWWW----------- - I said. USSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS- -SW -z;--- WzWWWz------------- SSSSSSSSSSUSSSSSSSSU S -W Wz +zS---WW-------------- ,USSSSSSSSUSSSSSSSU- z: :zzz S,U-----S---------- --WSSSSSSUUSSSSSSSW :UWU-Wz- S-----U---------henever Sheila walked ---SUSSSSWSSSSSSSSW WzSS----zS---------oom, there was the di -----zWUSWSSSSSSSSW -+U----------------f her peculiar walk. --------;WSSSSSSSSW- zWW+ +WzW:S----------------n accident at an earl ---------USSSSSSSSS; WWSzW: UU;----------------ile going out to wal --------zSWWWUUSUUSS: :SW---zSSSWS----------------nir, she was sidesw --------W: -: -U--US:Sz:SWUUUSSSSS:W+---------------low roadster and ha -------:W: z;----;zzzz+SSzUU- zU-------------e of her toes amputa -------z,W ;S-------------U+ W-------------ainful and memorabl ----------U -W-------------:U U;-----------t changed her from -----------W, zz-------------SS S+----------py, carefree girl t ------------SS -S-------------:U zS---------rly cautious and mi --------------WS -W:-------------U ;S--------er mind the side ef ----------------Uz zz-------------W ;S--------ng to stuff a wad -----------------:W- ,S-------------U: ;S--------her pumps wheneve -------------------W -U-------------S, zz--------r shoes on. --------------------S -W-------------Sz U---------- --------------------S WU-------------z W:--------- --------------------:+ WUWz----------;+ +UW:------- ---------------------S,S - U;z---------:SW ;W:----- ---------------------WWS,Wz z--S---------Wz- SWWzWz----- ---------------------;--WW+zUSWUz--------;zzS SS:;--------- -------------------------W;SSS,:Wz----------S WW+;--------- -------------------------:S,;W---------------Uz;zS---------- ---------------------------------------------SU--z---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@> I have a headache: ----------- --------------------- ------------------------- "It's awfully cramped--------------------- Whenever Sheila walked in here - and I'm----------------------- room, there was the di getting a---------+---S;---------------- of her peculiar walk. headache,"---::,S---W----z------------- an accident at an earl I thought.--z--W--S---zS---S-----------while going out to wal --------U---z--:-----S::--W-------------afnir, she was sidesw -----------U--::--------z;,U---;----------ellow roadster and ha -------:Wz--------:SWWWWUSSS--SS-----------ne of her toes amputa -------------Wz---SWWWWWWSWWWWU--------;z------painful and memorabl , ------------------+W;:WWWWWWWWWWUU---zWS:--------it changed her from -------------zWSSS--SWWUWWWWWWUWWWWWS--------------ppy, carefree girl t -------------------WWWWWzUWWWWWWWWSWW;---+zSWWU-----rly cautious and mi -------------------;WU, zWWWWWW:WW---------------er mind the side ef --------------:SS--SWz , SWz:,WW,W-z--------------ing to stuff a wad ------------;S:----U;S ;WW -z ,z W,:-WSW--++zSS------ her pumps wheneve ----------------S+,W,W+:- U,WzzW- - :,+-------------her shoes on. So ---------------W----WW-W-S,U :W SW---;:----------noticable hobble -------------zS-----:W zUW+; z WS----:W+-------red the room, carr ----------------W---W,WWWSzW -- W:-------z------writer. The weigh --------------+S----W: U- + WWWWWS---------hine did not help h -------------------;S W , z W+zzzWW:--------l problem of locom ------------------zU SzW-:z: S Wzzz+zWW--------ough this was anno -----------------zW SSzSSW -Wz SzzzzzWW-------- settled into a ch ----------------SW ,W:zz+WWWSzS :WzzzzWW--------ted in to typing. ---------UWWUz,;W ,W,Wz+U++z;zW +WWzzUS--------g to finish up som --------W+ SWWW S, UzSzzz;+zS- zSSWWW--------espondance for the -------:W ,WW, -zWWSWzzzzz;+S W-SW+---------upposed to take h -------Wz -USWWW--S:Wzzz+z;+W -;WW;---------or so. But, as s ------US -+- -WW;----W+zzz+zzz: WW:----------e noticed that t -----UU Sz --zWUz--zWWSzW;+zzz;++z :WW;----------e had gone into ----SW SS -:SWSUWSSS+zzz+zW WWW;-----------e. "Funny for ---+W U :SWWWSS:zzzz -WSWz------------ght. --zW- -+ :WS- zSSWWSWzzzUWWWzSWz------------ ,SW: U- ,SUz, ,SSzzzz+USz;zzzUW:------------ zWz -UWW -SU: UzzzzzzzzUWzzzUW------------ W+ zWWW+:W: -USzSzzz++zzzzSWWW------------ WWWWWWWW;----zWS:- -WSUzzz+zz+zzzWW------------- z++zzW----------zWWWWWz:- UzSUWWSzzzzzWW-------------- S++zWW-------------UWWWWWWWWSz;WzSzzzSSzSzW:------------------ <@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@> Can I climb it?: ----------+--z+S---------------------------z-----fnir, she was sides ----------+;U::,-----"Maybe if I can---U--SWzW---llow roadster and h --------;USU--USWz-----scale this -----WS;+UUWU--- of her toes amput -------W ;- ;+,S-------column of------zSU-:zSS- -ainful and memorab --------+Sz ,z---------text...,"----U: zzz------t changed her from ----------S U--------I ventured,----U,: W-------y, carefree girl ---------: +------------------------ + zS-------ly cautious and m --------+ U------------------------U- U--------r mind the side e --------z W-----------------------U z---------ng to stuff a wad --------U W------UWWW------------U W--------- her pumps whenev --------W W-----+WWWSWWWWWU ----S ,:-------- her shoes on. So -------S W---SSWWU ;;--zWU---S U---------s noticable hobble ---------S W--zWWWU SWSz-;z z:U-: S---------ered the room, car --------W W--WWWW W;SS+W- W ;W- ,:---------ewriter. The weig -------W S--WWWWS:-Uz; -WzS+W- S---------chine did not help -------z ;--WWWWz S ;W;,WW:SU-W---------ual problem of loco -------z S-WWWWz S zU: ;zSW,---------though this was ann -------W z,WWWWS W W+zzU;--------on settled into a c ------+- SSWWWz W ;S+z;S----------rted in to typing. -------S +WWWU+S -US+zz;+---------ing to finish up so ------z ,zSWUUS ,Wzzzzz+zU--------orrespondance for th -------U -SWWWS +, SS++zz+z--------as supposed to take -------:S WzzU U, WWz++z;z--------our or so. But, as ---------U Sz+z+W ,U zWWzzzzz--------p, she noticed that ----------U-WWzz+z;zU z; S-W+zzS------ outside had gone into -----------WWzz+zzzz+S- -U W UzzzS------ colorage. "Funny for ----------- :WzzzzzzzzS-:SWWS;zz+S----- she thought. The win --------------Szzzzz+zzSzzzzzzzz+S----- and a pleasant breeze ---------------z+zzz+zzzzzz;zzz+zzz----- her at her desk and s ---------------zzz+S++z;zz+zzz+zzS,----- fight her work - the ----------------Szzz+zz;+zzz++z;zzU----- too seductive. So, s -----------------Wz+zzzzzz;+z+zzzz+S----- aside the table and s -----------------z+zzzzzz+z;+zzz++++W----- sheaves of paper ligh ----------------:S;zzzzzzz+zz+++zzzz+----- in the eddy of her mo ----------------SS+++z+++zzz;+zzzz+zW------ step toward the windo ---------------;UzSWzzzzz++zzS+zz+;zW;------ deliberately paced. ---------------zzzz++SWUS;;++zzzzz+UW,------- time she had reached ---------------zSzzzz+zzzUS::zzSWS,WU--------- autumn was over, the --------------+zzzz+z+z+z+zUS- W W----------- clouded up and and th ---------------Uzzzzz+zzz+zzzzzWz -U---------- filled with the sound --------------Uzzzz+z+zzzzzz:zSzzUU----------- waterfowl. --------------S+zzz;zzzz+zzz+z+zzzS----------- --------------SzzS+zSzzzz+zzzzzzzzz+---------- --------------UzzzzzSzz++;zSzzzzzSzW---------- <@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@> Bad Writing!: -----------------;UWWWWWWWWWWWWS;--------------------------refree girl ---------------+WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWz--------------------- cautious and m --------------UWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWUz-----------------mind the side e -----------W-WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW--------------g to stuff a wad -----------WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW+------------her pumps whenev -------z,SWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWUWWWW,--------- her shoes on. So --------zWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWU--------is noticable hobble ---------WWWWWWWS- -;zSUWWWWWW - WWW------------- the room, car --------WWWWWWWU - WWW------------------ The weig -------WWWWWWWW: WWS---"This writing----t help ------zWWWWWWWW WS---is too insub- -- of loco ------WWWWWWWWW SW----stantial to --- was ann ------WWWWWWWWW :W-----support me!"----to a c ------WWWWWWWWW- :W----I sadly realized.-ping. ------WWWWWWWWUS ,SWWWS; -UWWU WS--------------------- up so ------WWWWWWWWWU: -WWWWWWWWW- -WWWWWUU------------------nce for th ------SWWWWWWWWWW WWU;:zWzS- SUW- z;W------was supposed to take -------WWWWWWWSUz --WWW;--SW:Sz U -U-----hour or so. But, as ------WWWWWWWW: -W; :W U zUU ,W-----up, she noticed that ------WWW zWWz W WS U W z-S -- W-----outside had gone into --------;-WWWWWUS+++W zU :WU-W, U- ;WW Sz-----colorage. "Funny for ---------zzS;: - S:, +WWUW- -U :W:UWS-----she thought. The win --------+W-U , W- zSW- ;W+ ;,SW+ U-----and a pleasant breeze --------WU W+ US--+WW- zS++, -W----her at her desk and s ---------zU:W :zS, -W- -W----fight her work - the ---------;;--: -W W---:too seductive. So, s ----------:SSW +z W--W,aside the table and s -----------zWW: SU -+ W--W sheaves of paper ligh ------------WWW W--UW: -W -+--S-in the eddy of her mo ------------zWSS -: - S z---;S tep toward the windo ---------------S- --z -z---W eliberately paced. ----------------W- -Wz z---W ime she had reached -----------------S: - +WW+;- -------zU mn was over, the ------------------WU z :U W ;W z--------W, d up and and th ------------------W-W S :z,U SW: W---------+S with the sound ------------------W U, --WS- :: ,;----------U ----------------- U :U W------------W - ----------------;US zS z-------------:: :W- --------------zU- -U zS- +---------------S SS--- ------------zS Uz :W: ,US----------------W ;z----- --------+SUWU, zz +WWWSWUW:-----------------S W------ ---:SWSzz+zzzSz Sz U; W:SSUUS;------------; z------ SWSzz+zSz+++;+;S SS :U- zzzzzzSzzSWz,-:S----:- -:------ z++z;zzzzzzzzzzzW- -USzzUU+-zzzzSzzz+zzzzSSzS---z :------- <@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@>@<@> Go Exploring!: -----------------------------------Whenever Sheila walked into the ----"My best chance is to go-------room, there was the distinct sound -----exploring. Maybe I'll find----of her peculiar walk. She had had -----someone to help me!", I said--an accident at an early age - ------to myself.-------------------while going out to walk the dog, -----------------zSSz,-------------Fafnir, she was sideswiped by a --------------zWWWWWWUWz-----------yellow roadster and has to have -------------:Uz:-zWWUWWW----------one of her toes amputated. It was -------------S- WWUWWW----------a painful and memorable experience -------------S zz SzWWWW----------- it changed her from being a --------------U+z zzWWW----------happy, carefree girl to being ------------ S:UW--:zUWWW----------overly cautious and mincing. ------------U :UWW----------Never mind the side effect of ------------zW UW-----------having to stuff a wad of tissue ------------:z:- S,-----------into her pumps whenever she had to -------------Wz W,-------------ut her shoes on. So it was with --------------zSW; +WS--------------his noticable hobble that Shiela --------------WSzSU:++zUz-----------ntered the room, carrying a small ------------zz++SS+zS+++U----------typewriter. The weight of the ------------WS+++++U+++zW--------- machine did not help her with ------------WWS+++zU+++Sz--------- usual problem of locomotion. But, ------------zU++++S SSSS---------- although this was annoying, she ------------W+++++S UzW---------- soon settled into a chair and ------------S++++U W+z:-----------started in to typing. She was -----------z++++z, W++z-------------oing to finish up some -----------S+++;z W+++U-------------orrespondance for the day. It -----------S+zW--U++++zU ------------s supposed to take her only an -----------US- W+++;zW+W-------------r or so. But, as she looked -----------USS :z+++SS++S--------------she noticed that the leaves -----------;WzWz++zW++++z,--------------de had gone into their fall -----------WS+zUUS+++++++S---------------ge. "Funny for Mid-March", -----------WU++++++++++++U----------------ught. The window was ajar, -----------WW+++++W++zSSSU----------------leasant breeze beconed to -----------SW++++S,UWWU--:----------------her desk and she began to ------------SzSUWS---S W---------------her work - the breeze was ------------W W-----W WSzzUSU--------ductive. So, she pushed -----------+- :z------z Wz,------ the table and stood up, -----------U U-------zSUWWWUSU+W-------- of paper lightly flapping ----:U----S z---------;------WS------- eddy of her movement. Each -----WSWz,S U-----------------zS,--------ard the window was ------U++zz -z------------------S----------ely paced. Yet, by the -------Wz++W+U--------------------------------d reached it, the ---------SWUz;--------------------------------over, the sky had ------------------------------------------------d and the air was