henry lowengard

Actual Ad I did for Mission Graphics Support, 1988

F e a t u r e s

Web Sites and Blogs:
www.jhhl.net is a web site where I hope to display and sell beauteous works of art.
Delicious Evening http://www.jhhl.net/DelEve2004/
Documentation and lots of media about Delicious Evening, the somniloquy multimedia collaboration between me and Nancy Graham.
Love Is So Sweet http://www.jhhl.net/LoveIsSoSweet/
All about Love Is So Sweet, The 2 minute fun-filled Valentine video by me, Nancy and Asa.
Blogs Aplenty!
Oh, the blogs keep a-comin': My blogs:

T h e   L i t t l e   C y b e r   C e m e t a r y

Online tributes to people and animals we love who live on only in memory.
Jerome Harry Claster Lowengard, June 6, 1925 - Oct 17, 2002

Hear old Jer being his goofy self on my answering machine!
Tarzan and Jane at the Wethersfield Shopping Center Yellow Elephant Sale!
My dream about Jerry, Dec 14, 2003
The Late Nik Williams
Help me memorialize my late cyber-art partner-in-crime Nik Williams. mesage board still live!

M i n i   w e b   s i t e s

What is a web site, anyway? here are some fairly distinguished sections of pages served here and elsewhere which I have created and occasionally even maintain.

Drawings of the old Information Builders,Inc. unofficial mascot, COKY THE BUG! I worked at IBI for 13 years, and programmed a lot of things that probably don't exist today! Danger: lots of images.
Vaudeville-era Song Sheet
Popular entertainment sing-along lyrics from about 1904 I think. I have four or five more of these. I suspect that "William W. Delaney" and "Willy Wildwave" are the same person. UPDATE: In fact, these suspicions are correct, according to Delaney's sister's great-grandson, relayed to me via e-mail.
I'm the webmaster at www.WFMU.org, the site corresponding to the infamous freeform radio station. I wrote the automated features on this site, including the original "Who's playing now" thing and "Crackpots and Visionaries Card Of The Day", the "Worst Song Contest", the WFMU Catalog of Curiosities, .. you get the picture? Many of these features were later expanded, recoded into PHP , and improved upon by Ken Garson. Thanks, Ken!
The Internet Museum of Flexi-Cardboard-Oddity Recordings
I web-ified this information for WFMU DJ MAC who obsessively collects many things - but among them are lots and lots of paper, plastic, aluminum, steel and who-knows-what sound recordings - mostly promotional or novelty items - from the beginning of the 20th century to just before today. Flexi/Cardboard/Oddity Recordings is the name of the sitelet, which has lots of Pictures and RealAudio samples and info on almost every recording! Last updated in 2007 - now with a few Mp3s.
The Golden Moose Roundtable on Alan Smithee
Examining the work of Alan Smithee, "famous" film "director."
The Naked Carmen
This is where to find information on the bizarre recording The Naked Carmen by now-esteemed composer John Corigliano and David Hess.
The New York That Really Never Was
Tales of a New York City that you might not remember.
My colleague in ahistorical research, Paul Wallich, has posted his own tales of a New York You May Not Remember.

h i s t o r i c a l   s t u m p s   o f   o l d   w e b   s i t e s

Many of these started out in the Internet's foetal life as gopher sites, which I turned into web sites. After maintaining a lot of them over the years, many of these organizations have their own web pages which are now actively maintained. I retain these links for historical reasons.
Microtonal Music
The American Festival Of Microtonal Music home pages.
Now superseded by www.afmm.org! Go there instead!
Elodie Lauten
Composer and Keyboardist Elodie Lauten has info regarding her work and life (and recordings and concerts) here! She now has her own website, www.elodielauten.net,which should duplicate all the important stuff on this sitelet. Ms. Lauten died June 3, 2014
Downtown Music - Multimedia - Performance
Experimental Intermedia Foundation presents a number of festivals and other doings in NYC and abroad. Also home of the XI CD label. EIF has their own site too now, experimentalintermedia.org, which is now actively maintained... go there!
Marais and Miranda
Budding website about the nearly forgotten balladeers Josef Marais and his wife Miranda. See also the official site, http://www.maraisandmiranda.org, Go there for more and better information and music samples!.
The nascent ECHO Comix Conference pages. Featuring a few comics. Wish there were more, sigh.

S t ü p i d   Wé b   T r ! c k s

It's the Internet Autoharp!
No Graphic Browser required! The Internet Autoharp! is an ASCII-ART autoharp, with 21 sampled chords from one of my own a'harps available as buttons. Another relic of the early Internet days! Also: Notes on experimental autoharp tunings.
The HTML Internet Audio Synthesizer
The HTML Internet Audio Synthesizer makes bleeps and blorps ... it's educational!
Note: limited only by your imagination. Note again: freshly re-invigorated! That means it might work on Windoze platforms for a change!
Search Engine Shout Out!
Nothing really going on here - it's just bait for Internet Search Engines to find so people looking for themselves can find me too.

A r t s   +   L e t t e r s

a r t s

Sound files of moderate length featuring Henry and Nancy and a little autoharp. Also a few items from my personal collection of obsurities. Freshened as of Mar 2006.
The Jazz Kissingers
The Jazz Kissingers is the name I'm thinking of recording under.
Outgoing Phone Messages
Some of my outgoing phone messages from the days when I used to overproduce them. Greatly expanded in Apr 2006!
MPEG video!
some MPEGulated Vapor Paint Anims! Look also on the Vapor Paint page.
Glum Homebody, the E-Zine that barely is.
An OLD project of mine. Features mini comic-like pictures and puzzles of a brain teasing variety.
An ascii animation
(drink.asim) uses javascript!
flat file version Requires ANSI/VT100 "home" feature, and a pretty slow computer console!
Created with Vapor Paint and my ascii art converter.
My Ascii-Art converter
Which has a lot of wierd options! This one merges the original, requantized picture with the ASCII version and outputs it as a grayscale bitmap...
Acit Cràt Na
- Read my notes on my long-planned series of animated shorts about Antarctica.
The updated article from Experimental Musical Instruments newsletter, Volume 9 #4, June 1994. With audio examples!

l e t t e r s

The long version of WHAT I DID WHEN I WAS ON JURY DUTY Eight or so weeks from Dec. 94 - Jan. 95. I was back on Jury duty, this time Grand Jury in Brooklyn, from August 17, 2001 - some time in October - slightly extended due to chaotic events in Manhattan.
Cringe-o-licious Tales from Beyond the Cringe!
Disgusting things in the lives and kitchens of ECHO denizens.
That's Life in the Inferno of Post-Modernity!
Remember this football player guy named DJ Simpson? Wasn't he in a surreal parade or something? What? You Are There, with live commentary on ECHO!

F i n e   S o f t w a r e

written by me.

Binaries from my lab
Software for NeXT, and for Amiga. Including RGS, Sound Bite, Harm, Buzz and LPCView 3.02.
Vapor Paint is my extensive animation program for Amiga. These pages include some art-like stuff (stills, gif anims, mpegs) done with Vapor Paint. Dec 2003: new imaged based examples!

Henry Lowengard, jhhl-at-panix.com / 324 Wall St. Apt 5 / Kingston NY 12401

© 2024 Henry Lowengard