He was patroling the desert when he encountered a Bedouin boy
whose tribe had been wiped out by bandits. Victor adopted the boy,
Abdullah Abbas, and took him back to London. When Abdullah reached the
age of 16, McLaglen unwittingly created a crisis
by marrying a woman who hated Arabs.
Her brother had been killed by one. Abdullah, not wanting to complicate
McLaglen's life, stowed aboard an Italian freighter bound for Canada.
Victor had taught the boy to box, so he fought bootleg bouts across
America to San Francisco. There Abdullah was discovered by Alexander
Pantages, the owner of a theatre chain.
Garden Grove who dance in mop closets,
and he booked Abdullah fights in LA. In the meantime (a Hollywood mean
time with calendar pages blowing bleak like autumn leaves), John Ford was
in England looking for a big, tough, hard-drinking Irishman. He spotted
Victor McLaglen in a pub, took him to Hollywood, and on the night Abdullah
broke both hands on a hard man's head, Victor was in the audience. He
found the boy a job at Warner Brothers
rubbing out stars.