Cleo Odzer the MOO Phreak


To see Patpong Road and Cleo's bars, WOO (Web+MOO) to Chiba MOO - Sprawl. The prostitutes are in the Patpong Bar, which you can enter from Patpong Road. To see the Razor Blade Show, go the Pussy Galore Bar.

To be serviced by a prostitute, telnet to Sprawl. First type "connect guest" to get a guest character, then type @go #16191 to get to the Patpong Bar.
(You need a telnet application in your net browser. And this is not available on Web TV.)

To be serviced by the cyber prostitute Newt Gingrich, telnet to Lambda. First type "connect guest" to get a guest character, then type @go #10522 to get to the bar where Newt works. Type pay Newt and Newt will take you to paradise. WARNING -- Lambda experiences very bad lag sometimes, so you may think Newt is taking way too long to get the job done.


To see Anjuna Beach, Goa, and the nude hippies getting high, WOO (Web+MOO) to Craggy Island MOO. From the beach, you can enter the Anjuna Drugoona Saloona or climb the mountain to the flea market in Baga.

To meet Neal and get a free taste of LSD, marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, or to dance at the beach party telnet to Island. First type "connect guest" to get a guest character, then type @join Anjuna to get to Anjuna Beach.


Then for Cleo's groupie days there's the story and photos on River MOO. To go inside the MOO and meet the cute singer telnet to River.

After you connect as a guest, @join Groupie to get to the disco. Then go back stage and meet the band. Give the singer a thought and he will write and sing a song just for you.

To Cleo's home page